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SPAC 50th Reunion

A message to all SPAC Alumni ... please use the following form link to


Space Science Alumni of Rice University

We are very proud of the Alumni of the (former) Department of Space Physics and Astronomy, formerly Department of Space Science: the first "Space Science" Department in the Country. Many of our alumni are Department Heads, Vice Presidents, Provosts or Deans, and one college President. We teach "problem solving" here and even though some of our alumni are no longer working as space scientists, they all have successfully put their problem solving skills to work. Since the SPAC department was merged with Physics in July 2000, we have expanded this list to include all Rice students involved in any aspect of space research, in any department, plus former faculty and staff. We especially want to reconnect with undergraduate alumni who were involved in space physics or astronomy research.



  • Read about the Early History of the Rice University Space Science Department by former Department Chair Alex Dessler.
  • 50th Space Science Reunion April 11-12, 2014
  • Science Genealogies: We are compiling the science pedigree of our faculty, students (and our student's PhD students). Please note - it would make this much easier if all our faculty and our alumni who have students, make a wikipedia entry in stardard scholar form. That has an "info" box with advisor and advisees. Of course, you can create your own, so I'm looking for volunteers to create their advisor's (and grand advisors') wikipedia pages.
  • Alumni Mailserver
    Note: in order to see the email list, you must register for the "Spacalum" email listserver. Send email to spacalum-subscribe@mailman.rice.edu. Be sure to put your years here at Rice in the subject line! Our list is open to students (grad or undergrad), postdocs, faculty, and staff in all areas of space science or technology at Rice.
    For those who have spent at least two semesters at Rice, we strongly encourage registering with the "sallyportal" alumni directory. It's free, you get a safe and secure "name@alumni.rice.edu" email address, and it's easy to find your friends. When we need to track someone down, that's the first place we look, but alas, some of you are not listed there. With a "you@alumni.rice.edu" email address, you need only change your email address one place and it will forward to your new email if it changes! Or, you can get a free "forever Rice" direct email address: you@Ricealumni.net
  • Alumni Newsletters
    NOTE: not yet fully updated but all emails are archived on the spacalum mailman site.
  • In Memoriam
    This page lists the known members of the department who have passed on. Please let us know if we are missing anyone.