Below are some of the publications from SPAC Alumni. This page does not include the numerous academic papers authored by Faculty, Staff and Students over the years.
Textbooks and Monographs
- Bob Haymes: Introduction to Space Science (Wiley, 1971)
- Dessler and Michel: Particles and Fields in Space (Wiley)
- Don Clayton: Essays in Nuclear Astrophysics, Principles of Stellar Evolution and Nucleosynthesis
- MacGorman, D. R., and W. D. Rust: The Electrical Nature of Storms (Oxford University Press, 1998)
- René A. Medrano-B.: Campos Vetoriais, Espaços Lineares e Tensores na Física (Transtec, São Paulo, 1994)
- Neal Lane, Tom Estle and Mike Morrison: Quantum States in Atoms, Molecules and Solids (1976); Understanding More Quantum Physics
- Ray Lopez: Storms from the Sun
- F. C. Michel: Theory of Neutron Star Magnetospheres
- Thomas F. Tascione: Introduction to the Space Environment (Orbit Book Company, 1988)
- Wallace Tucker: Radiation Processes in Astrophysics (MIT Press, Cambridge, 1975); Heath Physical Science (D.C. Heath and Co., Lexington, 1984, with Louise Nolan); The Star Splitters (NASA, Washington, 1984); The X-ray Universe (Harvard University Press, Cambridge, 1985 with Riccardo Giacconi); The Cosmic Inquirers (Harvard University Press, Cambridge, 1986 with Karen Tucker); The Dark Matter (William Morrow & Co., Inc., New York, 1988 with Karen Tucker); Revealing the Universe (Harvard University Press, Cambridge, 2001, with Karen Tucker)
- Dan Fleisch: A Student's Guide to Maxwell's Equations (Jan 28, 2008); A Student's Guide to Vectors and Tensors (Nov 14, 2011); A Student's Guide to the Mathematics of Astronomy (Aug 29, 2013, with Julia Kregenow)
Edited Volumes
- Jim Burch: The Van Allen Probes Mission; The IMAGE Mission; Magnetospheric Imaging; The THEMIS Mission; Sun-Earth Plasma Connections
- Alex Dessler: Physics of the Jovian Magnetosphere
- Dixon Butler with K. Papadapolous: Solar Terrestrial Physics in the 1980s
- René A. Medrano-B. and Enio B. Pereira: Ciências Espaciais e da Atmosfera na Antárctica (Transtec, São Paulo, 1995)
- Don Clayton: The Joshua Factor
- Larry Friesen Betrayal / Battle / Storm (Firefall Media)
- John Morgan: The Siren Sings Only for Me
- Bob Robinson: The Seeds of Aril; A Planet Called Happiness (Firefall Media); Death By Paradox
- David Alexander: The Sun
- Dave Arnett: Supernovae and Nucleosynthesis
- Rick Chappel and Jim Hartz: Worlds Apart - How the Distance Between Science and the Media Threatens America's Future (First Amendment Center at Vanderbilt University, 1998)
- David Cummings: A Documentary HIstory of the Formation of the USRA
- A. Egeland and William Burke: Kristian Birkeland: The First Space Scientist, Carl Størmer: Auroral Pioneer
- Don Clayton: Catch A Falling Star; The Dark Night Sky; Handbook of Isotopes in the Cosmos
- Marianne Dyson: Space Station Science (Scholastic, 1999, Windward, 2004 - won Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators Golden Kite Award for Nonfiction); Homework Help on the Internet (Scholastic, 2000); Home on the Moon (National Geographic, 2003 - won American Institute of Physics Science Writing Award); Stars and Galaxies, Book 8, Space University Series (Scholastic, 2004); Space and Astronomy: Decade by Decade, Twentieth Century Science Series (Facts On File, 2007)
- Bob Eather: Majestic Lights
- John Freeman: Storms in Space
- Renee James: Seven Wonders of the Universe You Probably Took For Granted; Science Unshackled: How Obscure, Abstract, Seemingly Useless Scientific Research Turned Out to be the Basis for Modern Life (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2014)
- Brian O'Brien: Nationalising the Australian Environment: The Agreements of '92 (Institute of Public Affairs, Melbourne, 1993); Environment and Science (University of Western Australia Press, 1979); Postponing Greenhouse: Facts, Issues and Policies in 1990 (Eco Ethics, Perth, 1990); Marandoo Iron Ore and Central Pilbara Railway: Environmental Review and Management Programme (Hamersley Iron Pty Limited, Perth, 1992); Statewide Waterways Management (Waterways & Rivers Commission, Perth, 1996); The Eco Ethics of Tourism Development (Western Australian Tourism Commission and The Environmental Protection Authority, Perth, 1989)
- (Osterbrock and) C. R. O'Dell: Planetary Nebulae
- (Kouveliotou, Wijers and) Stan Woosley: Gamma-ray Bursts
Other Creative Works
- Marc Hairston: Cindi in Space comic books
- Brian Monson and Peter Shull: Exploring the Universe with Voyager III - 24 Astronomy Projects for Windows and Macintosh; Exploring the Universe with Voyager 4 - 24 Astronomy Projects for Windows and Macintosh
- Colin Law: Software: Space Update, Space Weather, Earth Update, Tic-Tac-Toe, MediaShow, Marquee, Survey Software, Cosmos Clock, Telescope Time Machine, Polar Explorer, Evolution of the Solar System
- Kimberly M'Carver: music albums
Planetarium Shows: Dinosaur Prophecy, Earth's Wild Ride, Force Five, The Great Planet Adventures, Impact Earth, Impact!, We Choose Space
- Carolyn Sumners and Patricia Reiff: Planetarium Shows: Dinosaur Prophecy, Earth's Wild Ride, Force Five, The Great Planet Adventures, Impact Earth, Impact!, We Choose Space